Swearing At Motorists - While Laughing, The Joker Tells The Truth

1. I Don’t Need Anyone
2. Groundhog Day (Damn the Piper)
3. Forever
4. Academy Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role
5. Friend of Mine
6. Famous Orange Sweatshirt
7. Time and Distance
8. 17th Last Cigarette (Thinkin’ Bout Drinkin’)
9. Wrote You a Letter
10. The Darkest September
11. Great Actress
12. I Love You (Liar)
13. Adjectives
14. Don’t Want to Dream (About You)
15. I Likes Your Style
16. Wasting Your Time
17. It’s Love That Chooses You

2014 - A Recordings

Sortie le : 21 octobre 2014

Disques - 08.11.2014 par RabbitInYourHeadlights